Sparky - FAQ

How does it work

To download the scooter app, simply search “Sparky” in both the App store and Google Play store. Or visit

To unlock the scooter, simply open the Sparky app and tap on the RIDE button at the bottom of the screen. Then scan the QR code using your phone’s camera or manually enter the 6-digit vehicle code on the scooter.

  1. Find a scooter on the map.
  2. Scan the QR code located on the scooter to pair your phone to the scooter.
  3. Press UNLOCK to activate the scooter.
  4. Stand on the scooter, push-off, then push throttle button with thumb to ride.
  5. Enjoy.

First of all you need to return the scooter at the same place as you rented the scooter from. To lock your scooter, simply stand close to the scooter and press END RIDE in the scooter app. Your scooter is now locked and your ride has ended.

We never sell or share your data with any third party. We handle your data according to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


No, you can not.

How to ride & safety

Scooters can be ridden on streets, in bike lanes and on bike paths. Please respect all traffic laws. Do not ride your scooter on the sidewalk.

Scooters can be parked anywhere it is safe to park a bicycle. Do not block sidewalks, service ramps, bus stops and shop entrances.

You need to be at least 15 years old.

Yes, you need to use a helmet.

No, absolutely not.


Enter your credit card information into the app. The app will ask you before you start your first ride or you can enter it yourself by adding a payment card in the menu.

Credit or debit cards are never stored with us. They are handled and stored by our third party payment provider Stripe (

We never sell or share your data with any third party. We handle your data according to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Battery & environment

Yes it is. Much better than the majority of the transportation types that are used by people today.

Our scooters are powered by Lithium-ion batteries.

Trouble with the scooter

Not easy to answer but it could be a weak connection between your phone and the scooter, low battery level on the scooter or your phone. Try the the following:

  • Try standing close to it with your phone.
  • Exit, close and reopen the app.
  • Your Bluetooth and Wi-fi must be on.
  • Make sure that you use the latest app software and phone software.
  • Try to re-install the Sparky app.

Try this first. Stand on scooter, push-off, then push throttle button with thumb to ride. And make sure the brake is released. If that didn’t work, try to end the ride and report the problem directly.